The Creating People Advantage Study for 2021 is now complete
ke kesäk. 30 11:56:00 2021
The Creating People Advantage Study for 2021, conducted by the BCG and the WFPMA, is now complete, and the results were truly fascinating. The authors of the study surveyed over 6,600 respondents across 113 countries, as well as interviewed more than 30 executives from leading companies and start-up businesses worldwide, resulting in highly detailed quantitative and qualitative findings. From the findings, it is clear that HR leaders trying to navigate a rapidly changing workplace environment now have a clear set of objectives to focus on namely: digitisation, talent, and the future of work. It was also apparent that an employee centric approach needs to be adopted by organisations and management.
If you were unable to join us for the webinars that were hosted earlier this month, and would like to view the webinar, please click on the below links.
Please also find a link to the final report, which can be viewed by clicking on the following link: https://www.bcg.com/publications/collections/creating-people-advantage-reports