Hey HR, are you ready for the future?
30.08.2019 klo 09:00 - 10:00
Paikka: Keskuskadulla sisäänkäynti on ovesta, jonka päällä lukee "Nordea". Alaovella on ovisummeri, sen jälkeen asiakashissillä 8. kerrokseen.
Osoite: HENRYn toimisto, Keskuskatu 5 B, 8.krs, Helsinki. Keskuskadulla sisäänkäynti on ovesta, jonka päällä lukee "Nordea". Alaovella on ovisummeri, sen jälkeen asiakashissillä 8. kerrokseen.
Järjestäjä: Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry
Every organization, company, your boss, colleague or probably even your neighbor talks about Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, newest technologies, its possibilities and limits. We all hear, read and think about how it will change the way we live and work. It influences all aspects of our lives and businesses, whether we want it or not. HR departments are not an exception.
HR is in the forefront for this process for two reasons: first, central tasks of HR like recruiting, onboarding, talent management, and career planning are predestined to use Big Data, robotics and A.I., starting from chatbots, workforce analytics, or real-time digital learning systems. Technologies could make HR more human by automizing all manual work and giving HR experts more time to concentrate on strategy, creativity and human contact. Second, HR is responsible for designing a workplace with open collaboration, knowledge sharing and ongoing upskilling possibilities. HR is in charge of creating an environment of meaningful work, employee commitment and an effective symbiosis between humans and machines.
So, is HR ready for this role? In this session, we will be discussing the future of our working world and its impact on skillsets, jobs, organizational models, industries and markets. We will share content from ‘Future Insights’, a big-data powered platform for sharing knowledge and insights about the working world of tomorrow. While ‘Future Insights’ provides fact-based orientation to support transformation across all industries and functions, the focus of the session will be on human resources management and related jobs. The session will be led by HRForecast, a Germany-based HR tech company that is among the leading providers of people analytics and big data solutions in Europe.
Who is this session intended for? The session is intended for everyone - companies and individuals - in need for guidance on their transformation journey.
Christian Vetter, CEO and Co-Founder of HRForecast
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Christian is dedicated to data-driven decision making, disruptive technologies and next-generation workforce management.
Upon completion of his business studies, Christian Vetter held various positions in Sales and Supply Chain Planning departments at Siemens and its lighting division Osram. Since the foundation of HRForecast, he has been the managing director for Munich. Christian can often be seen at congresses and events sharing his expertise on data analytics and data-driven workforce management. Due to his interdisciplinary experience in industry and consulting, he has gained a broad expertise in both, strategic human resource management as well as innovative data technologies.
HRForecast is a Germany-based startup that answers today’s and tomorrow’s questions of HR managers by utilizing the power of data. The idea of HRForecast was born, when the two to-be-founders of HRForecast, while still working at Siemens heard about the release of 2.000 employees. An interest for a better, more sustainable HR management, where nobody is left behind, was born. Five years later, our customers can benefit from intelligently connected data and gain an individual, strategic competitive advantage from it.
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#smartwork #smartpeople #peopleanalytics
Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 18.06.2019
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 29.08.2019
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