Webinar: Quit quitting, the age of employee disengagement

02.10.2024 klo 09:00 - 10:00

Järjestäjä: Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä - HENRY ry

Employees disengaging cost companies a lot of money. To battle this I have developed a tool that helps employees and management remember and understand why they started their career journey in the first place. I call this tool Descriptive communication.

1. Theory on:
  • Difference between engaged and disengaged employees.
  • The downsides of disengaged employees + the company cost.
  • The upside of engaged employees.
2. Tips on how to re-engage disengaged employees.
3. Tips on how to engage engaged employees even more.
4. A role play with 2-3 volunteers on how to use my tool of Descriptive Communication to activate employees.

This is an interactive event, so participants should be aware that they can use a microphone and a camera.

BIO Joppe Quaedvlieg
Creator of Descriptive Communication/Leadership consultant/Communications specialist.

I am on a mission to:
1. Improve leadership by using improved communication with a tool I have developed for this called Descriptive Communication.
2. Create a counter movement to the current culture of hyper independence with my bi-monthly event Help me Help You.
3. Offer an alternative way of being with the book I am writing called Reaching Escape Velocity.

For more info on all 3 initiatives you can take a look on my website: artiqula.com.

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 23.07.2024
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 01.10.2024

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