Webinar: Solving Employer Branding Disconnect: Overcoming Culture Gaps in Finland

27.11.2024 klo 14:30 - 16:00

Järjestäjä: International Chapter -verkosto

In this webinar, we’ll discuss why employer branding in Finland often doesn’t match real workplace culture.
You’ll learn how these gaps affect employee retention and lead to brain drain, and we’ll share practical solutions to improve your company’s image and keep your best talent.

Key Points we’ll cover:
• What causes the employer branding disconnect in Finland.
• How culture gaps affect employee loyalty and brain drain.
• Steps to better match your recruitment message with your real culture.
• Tips to improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Dr. Afnan Zafar, an expert in talent retention and workforce integration.
He holds postdoctoral qualifications in sustainable production and innovation and
has published research on brain drain and cultural gaps in the Finnish job market.
His book on the Finnish job market is a key resource for employers and skilled workers alike:
“Breaking Barriers: Empowering Talents in the Job Market Journey /
Uusi Polku: Opas työnhakuun ja työmarkkinoille Suomessa”.


Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 10.10.2024
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 26.11.2024

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